Risk Analyst Insurance Brokers was invited to participate in 2019 Endometriosis Support Foundation March and Awards Ceremony. An occasion for creating public awareness of this disease called Endometriosis.
In addressing the theme for the competition is “How endometriosis impacts the quality of life of students”. Mrs Babinton-Ashaye opined that Endometriosis is a topic that needs explaining to students as well as the teaching staff because teachers act as counsellors and are the first to spot girls with repetitive time off for period pains, and those teachers are able to help many for years to come.
In this complex and highly competitive era, we need to equip our students with a powerful set of tools, which include critical thinking, understanding of real-life issues such as endometriosis, and writing skills. Through these essays, the students learn to express themselves in a more logical way, and also develop their writing skills, their vocabulary, and their own writing style.